Beauty is everywhere if you are prepared to look for it. From everyday moments to the truly special, there is always something to make you stop, take a breath and admire.
She Called This Idyllic is a collection of images and thoughts about normal life in a beautiful world.
"I used to dream of being a photographer when I was younger but somehow, like many people and their passions, life got in the way. I grew up and found other, more realistic ways of paying the bills. That was many years ago now and I have somehow managed to navigate my way through a career, raising a family and have been blessed with a very normal life. I take photographs when and where I can and, when I feel that I have something to say, I also like to write. I don't pretend to be good at either, but as I get older I have realised that this doesn't matter. I like the idea of trying to be true to myself and sharing what I see and feel. This site is an ongoing challenge for me and all content is purely for my own enjoyment. However, if anyone likes what they find here, I will be delighted."
She Called This Idyllic is photographed and written by Ian Spires.
All photos (C) 2010-2022 Ian Spires All Rights Reserved - images not to be used without permission