And wildness, at its basic and unreconstructed finest, becomes ever more attractive every time that voice of sanity echoes around my head.
All in Thoughts
And wildness, at its basic and unreconstructed finest, becomes ever more attractive every time that voice of sanity echoes around my head.
I am more than the weight of all the opportunities that I didn't take or maybe didn't even notice.
How satisfying to sometimes take a step back from life.
Even if just for a moment
I was chatting with someone the other day. They told me that they believed that they had a creative personality.
Well, here we are again.
I know how this works.
I can already feel the clouds gathering and the world suddenly feels just a little more claustrophobic and slightly pointless once more.
Most of us would like to think that we can identify with the traditions, the ideals, of the holiday season. To think of others before ourselves, to be kind, understanding and generous.
Every word, every photograph, every post that I share here requires a level of vulnerability.
That and courage.
There is peace and solitude in wildness. Skies, grey and inpenetrable, and wind fierce enough to leave even the strongest of us staggering for a moment.
Walking along quiet lanes, tractors and farm machinery working in the summer-dry fields as drifting clouds of dust take to the air, little storms of rural activity and a visible soundtrack to our amble.
So we walked and talked today.
We discussed how we are told that so many things in our world have importance when most are actually of little value.
Aspirational dreams of freedom and creativity. The struggles and excitement of being true to yourself, of living your dreams whilst facing reality.
And I find myself thinking, as I often do after embracing something that encourages self reflection, that it’s important that I remember where I am from.
And as much as I love people, and I do, I really do, I also need to be away from them to allow myself time to think and just be me.
Sometimes you find a place that grabs you, surprises you even. A place that makes you look around and think to yourself, well, I'm not really sure what I expected, but I certainly didn't expect this.
Right now, in 2022, I fear that the world may be even more selfish and divisive than when I shared my views previously. It would also appear that many of us feel that we are being dragged down by negativity and distrust in general and of being manipulated and used by those in power.