We Don't Know What We Don't Know

We Don't Know What We Don't Know

We are tender and often unprepared, but perhaps that is what civilization does to us.

To walk away from excess and capitalist cultural saturation is something that speaks directly to me, often and insistently.

And wildness, at its basic and unreconstructed finest, becomes ever more attractive every time that voice of sanity echoes around my head.

You need this, it tells me, each time I listen, walk away from these things that destroy your world and insidiously attack your humanity.

Step back and embrace the simple.

For that is where you will learn to live exactly as you should.

With the wind in your face, a heart full of love and an understanding of your own unimportance.

The People I Hurt And The Lessons I Learned

The People I Hurt And The Lessons I Learned