Being yourself, being true and authentic, in a fake and greedy world.
Well, that’s a challenge for most of us, right? What feels honest and true to me will no doubt feel like little more than a cry for help to others.
All in Thoughts
Being yourself, being true and authentic, in a fake and greedy world.
Well, that’s a challenge for most of us, right? What feels honest and true to me will no doubt feel like little more than a cry for help to others.
And it almost passed me by, what with filling my head with things that ultimately mean little and placing obstacles, finding obstacles, and allowing them to stop me.
It's as if we have been hidden away for such a long time and, now that the door had been unlocked and left open, people are too scared to step outside again.
And that’s about as close as I can get to accurately describing how I feel most of the time these days. They seem to fluctuate, my emotions that is, in this energy sapping world of social denial and peer judgment that we have all been inhabiting for far too long.
It may look like what you think it is, but it’s not.
Things rarely are.
People rarely are.
I’m sure many of us feel this way at times. Some of us more often than others, of course. Many of us blessed with a sense of personal awareness will know that what others think of us is irrelevant to keeping our own happiness at a healthy level. But we also know that there are times when such a view is just plain wrong.
Because we are not the large bank balance, the expensive house or the new car. We are not even the exam results or the job title or the company that employs us.
It was the stillness that mattered the most, he believed, not the silence that so many people thought they needed.
And when I look out of my window, well, I can’t help but recall Christmas Eve memories that seem to so much brighter and more joyous that how we are spending this one.
Our world of grey, of depressingly cancelled pre-Christmas delight, of tiers and bubbles and of no physical contact, is feeling today exactly as it looks.
Because, and here is the thing, when you want the words and feelings to flow, from your head, through your fingers and into reality, well, that’s exactly when everything just decides to stop.
Where are the words, where are they, when you feel your heart swelling, reacting, in ways that just need to be shared?
It’s the real, “I want to do this and achieve something” kind of effort, that makes things happen, that’s what I’m talking about here..
And I smile knowingly and allow them a glimpse, no more, into a world that I know they will love and want to know more about. Everyone does, that's the thing. Every time, that story, it's always a winner.
So how refreshing, how beautiful even, to spend some time with those that choose to be different.
Because in these strangest of strange times, when anxiety seems to be caused by things we would barely have considered just a short while ago, It’s probably good to embrace a little nostalgia when the opportunity appears..
But, as the current world pandemic appears to be driving so many of us back to nature and the attractions of a simpler way of life, I fear that I may just have created a natural successor.